not sure? take a look at the faqs.

sage related questions

what is sage?

sage is a place where you can connect with people that are also working on their ideas. its basically like chatgpt but for finding other ppl working on cool stuff :).

how do i find ppl on sage?

finding some dope people after asking sage who’s building in hardware? or who can help me design a logo?. you can also share the queries by just clicking “share search” to copy the query to your clipboard and share it with others.

i can’t message others. why is the message button greyed out?

this happens when you haven't fully filled out your profile on sage! once you add more detail to your profile, you will be able to reach out to others!

how can more ppl find me on sage?

the more details you add to your profile, the higher the chances of you being found by others.

how to change my notification preferences?

go to your settings on sage and click “notifications”. you can choose to get email notifications daily, weekly, for every message, or never.

how do i adjust my privacy settings?

you can hide yourself from being found on sage, or hide yourself from having a public profile. or, you can even be totally private, if that’s what you’re looking for. you can make these changes here.

how do i edit my profile on sage?

don't like something in your bio? started working on something new? just tell sage. click here to start a chat with sage to make edits to your profile.

how do i change my profile photo?

click here to start a chat with sage. then, click “edit images” on the right.

how do i share my sage profile with someone?

go to your profile, click “preview” and copy the url to share your profile with anyone.

how do i report someone on sage?

send us an email to with a report of what’s going on so that we can take a look. the more detail the better.

nights & weekends relation questions

is this free?

yes, it is free. we're funded by a16z + ycombinator. also, we don't take any equity or any ownership at all in what you're creating. this is simply a home to build your ideas.

is this remote or irl?

nights & weekends is 100% online for 6 weeks. it ends with a 3-day irl event in sf. if you can come, you should! if not, all good -- it's optional.

can i still join? can my friend still join?

s5 has already started, so applications are closed. however, you can still join s5 as a spectator!

are my expenses covered for the irl event?

no. you would be responsible for your flight + accommodations. but, don't let this hold you back. the irl event is optional. you can still build great things no matter where you are.

can i change my house?

once you pick a house, it can’t be changed. but dw -- there’s dope people in every house. and we know you’ll learn to love yours!

what if i miss a lecture? will these be recorded?

no worries -- life happens, and work, school, and time zones are a thing. but we gotchu -- every livestream will be recorded so you can watch whenever :). go here to watch the recordings.

how do teams work? can i sync up?

working as a team is completely okay. there’s just no “linking” of teams on our end. so its up to u to decide how u wanna sync up. just make sure everyone submits their own weekly updates individually.

what happened to buddy passes?

buddy passes are closed for the season. now, the only way to join s5 is as a spectator. spectators can access sage + all lectures -- but not the irl event or weekly updates.

where can i chat with other people in s5?

you can connect with people and send them messages right on sage!

where do i find my acceptance pack?

click here to view your acceptance letter + pack.

is it part-time or full-time?

depends on you! we recommend at minimum ~10-hours a week. but the more time you spend, the better.

i’m in s5 but i’m lost -- where do i go?

the buildspace os is your hub throughout s5. you’ll find all recordings, links, deadlines, and important info here. download the os extension here + watch the 60s video on this page on how to install it.

tech support / troubleshooting

i found a bug. what now?

oh no! please send a message to we’ll get back to ya more quickly if you include:

  • add "bug" in subject.

  • screenshot or screen recording of what’s going on.

  • what browser + device you’re using

  • what email your account is under!

i’m not receiving emails

first, try this:

  • check your junk/spam folder.

  • make sure you add us to your safe senders list.

still no luck? unsubbed and regret it?

reach out and we’ll get ya right back!

how can i delete my account?

we will be sad to see u go :(. but if you send us an email to, we can do this for ya.

we would rly appreciate any feedback on how we can do better.