you made it. welcome to s5.

hi :)

welcome to nights & weekends season 5.

we’re excited as hell to have you.

this page is full of everything you need to know.

it’s a lot of information and it might be kinda boring...

so, here’s a song to listen to as you read through the pack:


first things first,
your acceptance letter.

we've assembled an amazing group.

musicians, engineers, filmmakers, roboticists, hackers, and more.

you should be super proud.

some of you have your own project you're already focused on.

some of you are at the stage where you just have an idea and want to work on it + figure it out.

some of you have absolutely no idea what you wanna work on, and that’s okay.

we’re gonna help you start building, and stay building.

some of you may have applied randomly to s5, and now that you're in, you're like:

"damn… do i actually wanna do this!?"

i wanna say three things on that:

  1. 92% of people in nights & weekends have a full-time job or school.

  2. we're all just gonna figure this out together. you’re not alone.

  3. our recommendation is to just give this a shot and at least come to kickoff. go from there.

alright, let's jump to some key actions.

01 — kickoff for s5 is this saturday.
june 15 at 10am pt.

kickoff is a live online stream.

it’ll be about 1-hour long.

we'll cover everything about how nights & weekends works, the schedule, etc.

nearly, all your questions will be answered there.

we recommend being somewhere quiet, and we recommend headphones.

ideally you should watch on a laptop/desktop.

you must rsvp.

also, you can sign-up for text message notifications here. these text notifications work most reliably in north america, but should still work elsewhere (ex. asia, europe, etc)!

give it a try, if it doesn't work all good.

luma is best if you want email notifs + google calendar invite.

do whatever you gotta do to remember the kickoff date:

saturday, june 15 at 10am pt.

  • make a reminder or alarm on your phone right now.

  • write time + date on a post-it note and put it on ur fridge.

  • train your dog to bark at you when it’s time for the stream.

do whatever you gotta do to remember the kickoff date:

saturday, june 15 at 10am pt.

  • make a reminder or alarm on your phone right now.

  • write time + date on a post-it note and put it on ur fridge.

  • train your dog to bark at you when it’s time for the stream.

do whatever you gotta do to remember the kickoff date:

saturday, june 15 at 10am pt.

  • make a reminder or alarm on your phone right now.

  • write time + date on a post-it note and put it on ur fridge.

  • train your dog to bark at you when it’s time for the stream.

do whatever you gotta do to remember the kickoff date:

saturday, june 15 at 10am pt.

  • make a reminder or alarm on your phone right now.

  • write time + date on a post-it note and put it on ur fridge.

  • train your dog to bark at you when it’s time for the stream.

do whatever you gotta do to remember the kickoff date:

saturday, june 15 at 10am pt.

  • make a reminder or alarm on your phone right now.

  • write time + date on a post-it note and put it on ur fridge.

  • train your dog to bark at you when it’s time for the stream.

"wait…. but can u tell me more about s5?!"

"wait…. but can u tell me more about s5?!"

"wait…. but can u tell me more about s5?!"

we’re purposely not telling you much right now.

we don’t want you to get overwhelmed.

we just want you to do the first thing: which is show up for day 1.

everything from the $100,000 in grants we have, to the IRL event in SF, to demo day will be discussed at kickoff.

do not miss it.

it will be recorded but trust me, you’ll wanna come live. we know for some of you it’ll be the middle of the night but do your best to show up!

02 — you get 5 buddy passes.

there is a much higher chance that you keep going to the gym if you have a gym buddy. someone to keep you motivated, someone to just struggle alongside.

same thing here.

got someone who you think might be good for s5?

well, since you've been accepted, you get a buddy pass.

the person you invite will automatically be accepted to s5.

we trust you with this power -- but, please make sure whoever you invite isn’t weird/sus lol.

bring along people in your life that have always wanted to do something different/more. those people who have always seemed interested in doing their own thing or carving their own path.

again. we trust you :).

important note, this person doesn't need to work with you.

they could just work on their own project, individually.

to see your buddy passes hit the button below, make sure you see them.

also, if you’re interested — whoever invites the most buddies we’ll fly them out to sf, host them for 3-days, and get dinner with them as a thank you. if you’re interested in this, ping and we’ll get your account more buddy passes.

finally, if you don't got any buddies that wanna do this, just tweet this out and see what happens. or hey — put out a story on your insta explaining what s5 is, or hit up a random college whatsapp group you’re in.

just put out the message, "anyone wanna join me?"

you never know who may hit you up…

the internet is a big place :).

03 — partners + teams.

90% of people in nights & weekends do it all solo. you don't need a teammate.

but if you do have a partner/teammate, please read this section.

each member of your team will need to individually make an account on sage.

if they’re already accepted into s5 — they’re good.

if they haven’t made an account or applied to s5 — then, please send your teammate a buddy pass so they’re automatically accepted.

please note: there is no way to "link" a teammate to your account, everyone just has their own individual accounts.

if you need more buddy passes because you have a big team, email us

04 — your acceptance pack.

below are eight images we created.

this is your acceptance image.

here's what we want you to do.

  1. look at all 8 images.

  2. click the one you vibe with the most.

  3. download it.

it's a big deal you got in.

tell the world.

acceptance assets

acceptance assets

acceptance assets

acceptance assets

acceptance assets

feel free to click on them to zoom + see which vibe you resonate with the most.

drop your acceptance image wherever — a group chat you're in with your fam, a story, whatever. if you want, you can also drop your acceptance letter.

be sure to tag us — because, people from our team + others who got in will want to say hi to you!

we're @_buildspace on twitter + insta, and @buildspace on linkedin.

note: on the tweet, don't link the image, download + attach it directly.

also, we made some acceptance videos for you as well.

we actually put them all together as a nice, aesthetic insta reel:

see it here on insta + feel free to repost to your story and tag us, we'll say wassup :).

feel free to download them on put them wherever — twitter, linkedin, whatever. these are all your videos! do whatever you'd like.

you can even do something like this.

to download, right click → save.

on mobile, download might not work. but, you can screen record!

(no these aren't ai generated lol. our film team put them together!)

that's all folks.
see you saturday.

here's a lil video we made for u.

if you liked the video, can support it on yt or on twitter here :). feel free to send around.